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General Information
What is District Health Centre Express (DHC Express) ?

The DHC Express is a primary healthcare initiative of the Government. Through public-private partnership, medical-social collaboration, it provides district-based primary healthcare services aiming to:

  • enhance public awareness of disease prevention and their capability in self-management of health;
  • drive healthy lifestyle for prevention of chronic disease;
  • support the chronically ill to prevent deterioration; and
  • enhance client access to primary healthcare services. 
How many service locations are there for Kwun Tong DHC Express?

Kwun Tong DHC Express consists of a core centre (located at 4/F, Block J, United Christian Hospital) and a few service points, being the healthcare service and resource hub of the district.

What are the functions of core centre and service points?

The core centre will offer primary healthcare services through individual service sessions and group intervention. It will provide primary, secondary and tertiary prevention programmes, and value-adding services (including Fall prevention and MCI). The service points will offer primary prevention programmes and other group activities.

When and where will the DHC Scheme be implemented?

Kwun Tong DHC Express has commenced operation at October 2021. The DHC scheme will be rolled out to other districts progressively.

Who will operate the DHC Express?

The government will identify a non-governmental organization through open tender.

Which of the healthcare professionals will provide service at core centre and service points??

The core team of the DHC Express consists of nurses, social workers, dietitians, physiotherapists, occupational therapist, etc.

Are DHC Express services available at core centre and service point only?

Apart from the services provided within core centre and service points, Kwun Tong DHC Express has to purchase private healthcare services from the district and this forms the DHC network. The network services include medical consultation, Chinese medicine consultation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, optometry assessment, podiatry and speech therapy.

Who are the target clients of the Scheme?

Hong Kong citizen living or working in Kwun Tong district.

Who is eligible to receive Kwun Tong DHC Express service?

An individual who

  • is a holder of the Hong Kong Identity Card issued under the Registration of Persons Ordinance (Cap. 177, the Laws of Hong Kong) or the certificate of exemption, except those who obtained their Hong Kong Identity Cards by virtue of a previous permission to land or remain in Hong Kong granted to him and such permission has expired or ceased to be valid; or a child who is a Hong Kong resident and under 11 years of age; and
  • agrees to enrol in the electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHRSS); and
  • living or working in Kwun Tong district
What documents shall a person present when he registers in Kwun Tong DHC Express?

He should present the identity document and residential address proof (if applicable).

Service Package and Fee
Is there any registration or membership fee for Kwun Tong DHC Express?

Registration and membership are free. The membership is lifelong.

What services are included in Kwun Tong DHC Express?

The Scheme includes primary, secondary and tertiary prevention programmes, and value-adding services. Primary prevention programmes consist of health promotion and disease prevention activities. Secondary prevention includes screening for diabetes mellitus and hypertension in targeted group of clients. Tertiary prevention programmes cover chronic disease management. Value-adding services focus on fall prevention and Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Who will be referred to the DHC Express Network Medical Practitioners?

Clients who have risk factors identified through the screening for diabetes mellitus or hypertension under the DHC scheme will be referred to the DHC Network Medical Practitioners.

Does the client have to pay for DHC Express services?

All of the talks/ group activities are free, as well as the individual healthcare services provided by nurse and social worker at the DHC Express. Individual healthcare services including medical consultation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, optometry assessment, speech therapy, podiatry, Chinese medicine services and medical laboratory services require co-payment by the DHC Express client.

Are civil servants or Hospital Authority staff exempted from co-payment for DHC Express services?

Civil servants and Hospital Authority staff have to make the co-payment for DHC Express services.

Where can a DHC Express client receive medical laboratory services under the Scheme?

Upon referral by Network Medical Practitioners, the client can receive medical laboratory services as arranged by Kwun Tong DHC Express.

Is referral required for DHC Express services?

Individual allied health services require medical referral from the DHC Network Medical Practitioner. Self-referral will be accepted for Chinese medicine services.

Can I withdraw from the DHC Express scheme?

Registration with the DHC Express Scheme is entirely voluntary. Clients who wish to withdraw from the scheme can inform the DHC Express operator.

Can I register as a DHC Express member again after I have withdrawn from the DHC Express Scheme?

Yes. Eligible clients are welcome to register as DHC Express member any time.

Sharing of Information through eHRSS
Can the Network Service Providers access a DHC Express client’s medical record in the eHRSS?

To facilitate continuity of care, all DHC Express clients and Network Service Providers are required to enrol in the eHRSS. With prior consent from the client, clinical information will be shared with the service providers through the eHRSS, on a need-to-know basis.

If a DHC Express client terminates participation in the eHRSS, is he still eligible to join the DHC Express Scheme?

All DHC Express members must enrol in the eHRSS. The DHC Express will not be able to provide a coordinated service effectively to the client who withdraws from the eHRSS. The client will have to terminate his / her membership of the DHC Express Scheme.

For more FAQs on the eHRSS, please click here.

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